A Letter to the Unvaccinated
You are not alone! As of 28 July 2021, 29% of Canadians have not received a COVID-19 vaccine, and an additional 14% have received one shot. In the US and in the European Union, less than half the population is … Weiter
You are not alone! As of 28 July 2021, 29% of Canadians have not received a COVID-19 vaccine, and an additional 14% have received one shot. In the US and in the European Union, less than half the population is … Weiter
The term “organism” is used in biology, medicine and human sciences to refer to a single living being as well as to an entire separable interplay of organs. In such an understanding an organism is an individualized natural being (plant, … Weiter
Communication as an action reveals something about the communicator. The sender of a message reveals how s/he sees the other (the recipient). Organizational communication primarily sends carefully chosen messages into the ether. In what is said or left out resonates … Weiter
What are values? And why can they or should they play a role in communication; a brief introduction. The guiding-principles of a community are called values. The guiding behaviours of the community members are called virtues (e.g., sincerity). The interplay … Weiter
Just like any other social organism, communities of purpose are subject to interpersonal processes and group dynamics too. High aims prevent conflicts as little as collegial intentions do. Where innovative people get together to actively shaping higher intends, strong personalities … Weiter
I wonder whether the continuing and justified criticism against the not-elected, new US president, is not misleading? The so convenient yet useless pigeonholing into political right and political left seems to me not well reflected when addressing the phenomenon of … Weiter
It was my work for Greenpeace that provided for several visits to the World Economic Forum (WEF), taking place annually in Davos, Switzerland at the end of January. Once, as an official guest of the WEF, I repeatedly belonged to … Weiter
In his book ‘Kreis der Jahresfeste’ (sorry, only in German available), the late Emil Bock wrote: “We have to start very deep down, if we want to go on an inner journey; just as the earth starts deep down when … Weiter
In the darkest night even the smallest of lights shines brightly ! A smile, a dear word, wait, listen: open our heart and let the human you are called to be shine into the world ! May peace in our … Weiter
It is not that we don’t have no local solutions to face today’s global challenges. Sources for renewable energies are plenty! Thanks to clean energy, depending on multinationals is therefore no longer necessary! Small and medium-sized farming has always fed … Weiter
Genetically modified crops: An independent comparison proves: Neither are crop yields bigger nor do genetically modified crops require less pesticides. The media have been spreading promises and claims from the multinational biotechnology companies for years as facts: genetically modified crops … Weiter
Every phantasm is laid upon us. Every devil creeps forth. Evil grinning. No chalice wants to pass us by – untasted. Is this the process of purification of humankind? Do we have to go through this – all of us, … Weiter
Let us not be depressed by coming darkness: we are armed! Let us not be mislead by hatred and lies: We are stronger! Let us not be pushed aside by recklessness: We are standing firm! Presence of mind is our … Weiter
I do not want to be an ordinary person, under no circumstances! I have a right to stand out – if I can! I want to stand a chance, not security! I do not want to be a sustained citizen, … Weiter
I do not want to go into the fact that Oliver Stone, in a recent interview in a Swiss daily newspaper, highlighted the ineligibility of Trump and warned Europe of the ‘trigger happy’ Clinton. Craving for recognition against lust for … Weiter
Just recently I learnt a new saying – said to come from Africa: “What you do for me, but without me, you do against me.” If we look at still current practice of development aid but also reconstruction after a … Weiter
The term integration drives from the Latin word (integratio respectively integrare) and actually means to renew, renewal, spiritual refreshing. How far have we departed us from such understanding. Today we see a successful integration of people in an existing company … Weiter
Last week, I participated in the first open Swiss Economic Summit, happening in Aarau, Switzerland. Organized and moderated by one woman all by herself: Theres Schöni. Congrats! In his speech, the president of the cantonal association for small and medium … Weiter
Inspired by the always stimulating magazine Zeitpunkt (issue 145 only in German!) about the topic ‘alone – together’ (and in particular the article by Leila Dregger), I decided to start addressing this week the subject the individual and community. The … Weiter
My professional path After having worked in different fields relevant to community empowerment over the past 25 years, I started as freelance (DerEntwickler.ch) in community empowerment and development this spring in Switzerland and abroad. I have engaged in adult education … Weiter
In my blog I present my work. In addition, some stimulating thoughts on development and empowerment are shared, to counter conventional negative-focused reporting by conventional media – mostly rendering helpless – with hopefully enlightening impulses. Development postulates that there … Weiter
Each performed step into a new, unknown direction increases the likelihood that the subsequent second, third and fourth step are set in this direction. A change of direction is expanding not only one’s individual life, a change of path can … Weiter