Dear Mr. President,
You are the next president of the USA.
It is probably difficult to answer the question why the majority of voters – which is always only a part of the total population – express their confidence in you with their vote. What all those who vote for you probably have in common is, that they all place their hopes for improvement into your hands. May they not be disappointed.
Time will soon tell whether your election promises are in line with your actual intentions and possibilities.
You are already wealthy – i.e. financially secure – and are in the winter of your life, so you no longer have to prove yourself. This makes you free and, hence, somewhat unpredictable. You are now free to achieve heroic things. You can end both the war in Ukraine and the war in the Middle East and, thus, lay the foundations for peace.
You did not start the war in Ukraine and it should not be the war of your people, yet it seems that this war is a proxy war; a war that Ukraine and Europe are waging against Russia on behalf of the US government in power. If you withdraw the mandate – i.e. the weapons and ammunition – from Europe and the Ukraine, the war will end. If you don’t, it threatens to escalate, with even greater, catastrophic consequences, for even more civilians.
In the Middle East war, the reasons for the Hamas attack on 7 October 2023 would probably have to be instigated. Is it true, that the Israeli border guards into Gaza were actually disarmed by the order of the Israeli government shortly before the vicious attack? If so, why and who gave that order?
The origins of Christianity lie in the Old Testament, which links us to the Jewish people and which proclaims: „An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth“. For us Christians, however, it is the New Testament that is decisive, i.e. we refer to the one that says: „Love your enemies “ and even more, demands ‚turn the right cheek‘. Which one is your reference?
Self-defense is not war, it is just that: self-defense. However, the boundaries between self-defense and war are fluid. Hasn’t the destruction by Israel in Gaza, against the Palestinians, already clearly crossed this fine line, doesn’t it go beyond self-defense towards total annihilation? I think you could prevent this destruction if you wanted to. Have Hamas and Hezbollah disarmed, destroy their war infrastructure in an orderly manner. Show the UN what their task should be.
War leads to more war, but never to peace; total war leads to the end of what makes us human beings and what makes the world worth living in. You have the power to stop the madness, to end both wars. So in the winter of your eventful life, you can go down in history as peacemakers. What greater triumph could there be for you President Trump? Please seize this opportunity for all our sakes!
Personally, I would look forward to an America healing. Healing is attractive, world power claims are repulsive.
I sincerely hope you will rise to the occasion with much wisdom, Michael U. Baumgartner,
Switzerland, November 2024